Coping with disappointment during IVF – A simple, three-step guide

Hi everyone – Eric here again with another in my series of posts on dealing with some of the challenging emotions of going through IVF. Over my past few posts, I’ve spoken about dealing with fear and dealing with stress. Today I’d like to talk about dealing with a feeling I had a lot during… Continue reading Coping with disappointment during IVF – A simple, three-step guide

When It Comes To Fertility, How Much Is Too Much Exercise?

There’s no question that exercise clearly plays a role in fertility and the chance of conceiving. There’s plenty of research available that both supports and encourages exercising regularly to improve reproductive function. One study in particular concluded that women who exercised 30 minutes or more daily had a reduced risk of infertility due to ovulation… Continue reading When It Comes To Fertility, How Much Is Too Much Exercise?

Categorized as B Method

Coping With Self-blame During Infertility

Depressed woman sitting on a chair in dark room at home. Lonly , sad, emotion concept.

  Self-blame. It’s a quiet little voice always lurking somewhere at the back of my mind. I could almost forget about it until it catches me unaware and pounces. Sometimes it surfaces when I see how amazing my husband is with our nieces and nephews, or when I notice how much our friends’ children love… Continue reading Coping With Self-blame During Infertility

An Embryonic tale

Time-Lapse Embryo Monitoring System (Primo Vision) Conceive – The Gynaecology and Fertility Hospital, which is always a pioneer in the field of Assisted Reproduction, has introduced a special system of microscopic monitoring of the embryos (time lapse). The system of microscopic monitoring is the newest development in the field of Assisted Reproduction and is expected… Continue reading An Embryonic tale

An Endometriosis End!

Part1 A disease of dis-ease, the day a young girl starts her journey of reproductive life ,a dilemma leading to pathologies till the fecundity decline. In history characteristics of disease described at least as far back as 1600 BCE. Schrön described a “female disorder in which ulcers appear in the abdomin, bladder, intestines and outside… Continue reading An Endometriosis End!


Fibroids are the most common benign uterine tumors in women, often appearing during their reproductive life. They are medically known as ‘Leiomyoma’, ‘Myoma’, or ‘Fibromyoma’. They can grow as a single tumor or multiple ones. Incidence : About 20% of women at age of 30 have uterine fibroids. Pregnancy and fibroids: Usually fibroids don’t interfere with… Continue reading #fibroidproblems

Minimal sedation maximized

Minimal Sedation (Anxiolysis)  – a drug-induced (produced) state during which patients respond normally to oral commands. Although mental function and coordination may be impaired, respiratory (breathing) and cardiovascular (blood pressure, pulse) functions are unaffected. Moderate Sedation [Conscious (Awake) Sedation] – a drug-generated depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to oral commands, either alone or accompanied… Continue reading Minimal sedation maximized